To Love the Gifts or the Giver ?

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Alhamdulillah for Allah SWT has given me a chance to live another day and breathe his oxygen for free and to update this blog which I look forward to do everyday. It is actually midnight here in London, and I have really passed my bedtime. I planned to watch a movie or two tonight for the past two hours however the website I surfed did not really do me a favor. Trying to be as positive as ever, I told myself this is probably Allah SWT telling me to watch da`wah videos instead of plain movies. So I did and I watched Ustazah Yasmin giving a talk on a video titled " Reclaim Your Heart ". Okayyyy, boleh pegi tengok kat youtube sekarang. Basically, what I`m going to talk about is 90% inspiration from her talk in the video. I know, its not original, but I just want to improve myself on illustrating and explaining what I have heard to share with you guys :D

Reclaim Your Heart is about 49 minutes in total so I`d like to emphasize on the subtopics that the ustazah were talking about and that is To Love the Gift or the Giver? 

Okay so benda pertama yang penting ustazah tu kata, "This life is a play". The simplest analogy given by her was for example, a kid who saw a commercial and that it has a ferrari in it. So this kid begs and begs for a toy ferrari from his/her parents and one fine day, he gets it. What happens next? The kid is of course, attached to the toy ferrari and he holds on to it for such a long time and later becomes obsessed with it. You cant probably take away the toy car from his hands. However as he grows older, and he sees a "real" ferrari, what happens to his obsession with his toy car? Gone. Why? Because he has seen a real ferrari and he works to get the real ferrari and it will be easier for you to take away his toy car now. 

Similarly to our life :)

Bayangkan kita lah, budak tu. Imagine this life, is like the toy car. We see, we get attached to the toy car only because we havent seen a better version of the toy car. All we see is the toy car and we get obsessed with it. Sama dengan cara kita taksub dengan kehidupan kita. The question is How do we get so attached to this life? The simplest answer is We have not seen the REAL version of this life. The better version of this life, I might add. I memang basically just re explaining apa ustazah tu cakap because Im testing my memory as well as my listening skills muehhehe if you dont mind I will explain my own point of view once im done here. 

Pastuu, she also said that the reason why we should not be obsessed with this life is because we have so many other obligations to do and the main obligation is to worship Allah SWT , the creator of everything and our lives. This life He has created for us and He gave us things we did not observe to be "gifts" from Allah SWT. For instance, He has given us money, life, happiness, oxygen, family, friends, teachers, knowledge, intelligence, beauty, strength, nose, arms, toes, fingers, eyes and the list goes on. He is Ar Razaq, The Provider. He provides everything for us so how do we repay Him for all He has given to us? By being grateful, my dear friends. But not all of us do that. Why? Because we start depending on the gifts, not the Giver. When all we should do is to put ultimate love to the Giver not to the gifts we receive from Him everyday. 

Now what are the examples of we, human beings, loving the gifts more than the Giver? For example, money. If I were to love money, I would start to depend on money. Next, I`d spend most of my time thinking how i can get more money so i can be safe, i can be rich and i can be fine. lepastuu, fikir pulak kalau ada duit boleh buat apa. Boleh beli baju, belanja kawan, lepak sini sana, shopping, tengok movie, shopping lagi and whatnot. Pastu fikir pulak orang sebelah ni duit lagi banyak dari aku. Aku kena lagi banyak duit dari dia lah apa lah. Later, without me realizing, I made money as my master and I am a servant to my own money. When that, is definitely wrong my dear friends ! Nampak tak kita dah mempertuhankan duit daripada Allah SWT? Secara tidak sedar lah kan sebenarnya. But now, that we`ve realized, we need to change. Sama je lah analogy ni kalau kita tukar sikit en. For instance, If I were to love someone, I would start thinking of that particular someone, and then I`d start trying to look nice for someone, I dont be myself for someone, I will always try to be better for someone. Until you come to a point, where you`d do anything! for that someone. Yang sudah berlanggar dengan obligasi sebenar kita which is to do anything for Allah. 

Back to the topic, the things that we love, are the gifts that Allah gives us. When it should be the other way round. We should love Allah more than what He gave us. How do we do that? By making the right choices! We face this choices everyday which is to choose between the love for the gift or the love for the Giver. For example, kita amik Aireen sebagai contoh paling terdekat. Sepanjang my stay in asrama, Alhamdulillah, I was exposed to halaqah, sebuah jalan menuju ke Allah SWT. The gift I got from Allah SWT is my chance to be in asrama, a gift from Him. However, I face problems (that i created on my own) every week just because I had to choose between the love for the gift or the love for the Giver. Alhamdulillah, with the help from my friends, I chose the love for the Giver which is to go to halaqah instead of studying in my room. There`s a simple example of choosing the love for the Giver than the love for the gift. That`s basically my opinion lah. 

okay terpanjang pula. sekian.

Wallahualam bissawab

With love, from us :)

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