Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Lillahitaala.
Assalamualaikum, sobahalkhair / thooba yaumuk / masaa ul khair !
Wherever you are, we hope this post finds you in good health :)
Today/tonight we are going to share with you a list of haraam products that all of us might not see or have a look when we buy certain food, snacks, etc. Especially things that we rarely buy but seems sedap.
So here are the lists of "emulsifiers" that are found to be haraam for us to consume particularly because it contains bacon (pork meat) / wine / whatsoever that`s meant to be haraam. PLEASE keep this list in your pocket/phone when you go grocery shopping or at least keep a few codes in mind because it is helpful especially if you want to buy food / beverages which doesn`t have JAKIM`s Halal stamp as well as when you travel out of Malaysia.
Both With "E" and Without "E" 120,140, 141, 160[a], 161, 252,300,301,422, 430, 431, 433, 435, 436, 441,470,471(*Animal Base),472[a],472[b],472[c],472[d], 472[e], 473, 474, 475, 476,477, 478, 481, 482, 483, 491, 492,493, 494, 542, 570, 572, 631, 635,920 (*471 Vegetable Base is said to be Halaal)
The following Emulsifiers – With or Without E are Suspected - Mashbooh - مَشْبُوْه E100, E110, E120, E153, E210, E213, E214, E216, E234, E256, E270, E280. E325, E326, E327, E334, E335, E336, E337.E432, E433, E434, E440, E470, E472, E495 E904.
Mushbooh here is a food designation in Islam literally meaning 'doubtful' or 'suspicious'. If we are unclear whether a product is halal (consumption is permitted) or haraam (consumption is prohibited), then we call the product Mushbooh.
However, it is also said in an article that
"According to Alqaradawi, substances that have changes in chemical formulae, take the fatwa of the new product regardless of the source--- like alcohol turned to vinegar. the final product is halal (although the source is not), or gelatin made from pig collagen (again the final compound is halal although the source is not)
other scholars like the permanent committee in Saudi Arabia have labelled all products from non-halal sources (like pig/dog/etc.) as non-halal.
of course, "product" here means food."
it is also recommended that we all consult to experts ( Uztaz / ustazah / ulama' ) and commit to further research on the subject before a decision is made. Aasif but we could only provide you with the basic list of emulsifiers but we hope it would bring you convenience.
Wallahualam bissawab. We hope you will find important benefits from this post :)
With love, from us :)
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